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Everything posted by variedstyles

  1. Hm...I'll convene with my teacher on the pivot issue. I'm not particularly clear on how you move around the target, but the first time my teacher demonstrated it to me, it was something of a spin which ended with your elbow on the opponents back, quite similar to the technique in the video. (I just started some months ago, I'm fairly vague on the technical terms. Sorry -.-) On kiba dachi, I was aware of its exercise benefits, but would love to learn its combat applications, if any - I feel it's quite a stable stance.
  2. Mudansha - Non standard stances? Toptomcat - Indeed, it's wierd. My guess is that it's a foundation for a similiar (and hopefully more economical) movement. WireFrame - That's alarming to say the least...I had always been instructed to turn on the heel - last instance of that being mawashi geri, where I was told that it's better if I turn on the heel rather than the ball of the foot. But this one I mention here -did- take the heel as the base. Chitsu - Yeah, they could be basis for kata, but that's something I'm not too sure of. The first one seems to me to be a stepping technique, perhaps to get behind your opponent. (Like at 3:14 in this video. ).Thanks.
  3. We were taught these techniques in class yesterday, but I don't know their names (nor does my teacher, or anyone else in class). Some help in identifying them would be welcome. -Left-leg-forward zenkutsu, ashi barai with right leg (it now lands in front of your left leg), do a 360 spin on the right leg's heel, and land forward in a left-leg-forward zenkutsu. -Stand in yoi. Rotate the right arm in a circle (with the elbow kept fixed and the forearm essentially guarding your head and torso), and keep rotating it like a propeller. Punch through the 'sweep area' after each spin as a counterattack. Variations - the spinning hand is kept open instead of in a fist; spinning in reverse. We were also taught that if a punch does get through the guard, it can quickly be 'caught' by the spinning hand, and then finished as a throw. We were also taught stepping in kiba dachi (sideways, diagonal forward and backward, and transitioning to zenkutsu and back), though I don't get how it could be useful in combat (sport or even SD) situations at all. Any pointers? Thanks ^^
  4. Same problem here, and karate here too. Waiting for a ponytail (my sensei teases me about it every class >.>) You could try a hairband, or a beanie if it's cold.
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