We were taught these techniques in class yesterday, but I don't know their names (nor does my teacher, or anyone else in class). Some help in identifying them would be welcome. -Left-leg-forward zenkutsu, ashi barai with right leg (it now lands in front of your left leg), do a 360 spin on the right leg's heel, and land forward in a left-leg-forward zenkutsu. -Stand in yoi. Rotate the right arm in a circle (with the elbow kept fixed and the forearm essentially guarding your head and torso), and keep rotating it like a propeller. Punch through the 'sweep area' after each spin as a counterattack. Variations - the spinning hand is kept open instead of in a fist; spinning in reverse. We were also taught that if a punch does get through the guard, it can quickly be 'caught' by the spinning hand, and then finished as a throw. We were also taught stepping in kiba dachi (sideways, diagonal forward and backward, and transitioning to zenkutsu and back), though I don't get how it could be useful in combat (sport or even SD) situations at all. Any pointers? Thanks ^^