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Everything posted by iggyrip

  1. I think that MMA has replaced traditional martial arts for the time being. It seems to be the current fad. Still, people have seen what works and what does not. Many traditional martial arts do not train like MMA fighters and until they do, whey will probably continue to lose students. ( I realize that there are traditional arts that train much like MMA fighters, but they are the exception). I do believe that the traditional arts have a place because there is much to learn from them. Hopefully, as those MMA practicioners age, they will realize that you cannot train MMA into old age and will look into traditional arts.
  2. I have looked into Kempo, and it seems they have a lot of techniques and forms to learn. Seems like a good self defense style, but from what I have heard, wing chun is just as effective for self defense and easier to learn. Also, I am getting older and wonder if wing chun is more applicalbe for older people. Which art is eaiser to learn and can be done into old age: i.e. 50+ Any comments from any Kempo and Wing Chun practicioners?
  3. Hi all, How do you feel about private instruction? Do you feel you learn more with better comprehension? I recently read that Bruce Lee felt that the best way to learn martial arts was through one on one training, much like a boxer and his trainer. This made a lot of sense to me. I realize it private instruction is more expensive, and that you need to work with others in a class setting, but can private instruction help you learn more effeciently? What are your experiences. Thanx, Iggy
  4. Good info. From the research I have done, it seems there are different teaching methods. I will check with the Sifu. Thanx for the responses.
  5. Hello everyone, I have been looking into Wing Chun and was wondering if there is sparring in Wing Chun. If there is, when does it begin? Thanx, Iggyrip
  6. Hi everyone, I have been looking into beginning a self defense art and and from what I have seen, Kajukenbo seems to have what I am looking for. From what I have seen, the style looks are lot like Kung Fu San Soo, a style I studied many years ago; however, unlike San Soo, Kanjkenbo has full contact sparring/randori, something, I believe is important for any martial art. Has anyone practiced any of these arts and seen the simularities? Iggy
  7. Good info. Thanx for the replies. I will inquire at the school I am considering. Iggyrip
  8. Hello, I was looking into studying JKD and would like to know how much grappling is involved. It seems to me, just about all of them work on striking like boxing, kali, muay thai, etc., but I was wondering what the grappling aspect covers. For those who are studying/practicing JKD, I would appreciate any feedback. Thanx, Iggyrip
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