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  1. http://www.macaukendo.org/forum/read.php?tid=2180&page=e Info is good but I am not sure if you know Chinese
  2. Form is just the example of how to apply your skill. Kung or training method is more important in practical skill, e.g. Pushing up with 5 fingers, Grasping and throwing sandbag about 25kg (Using the whole body) & etc. Without basic physical strength, all skill of Chin na is surely flowery skill.
  3. To be simple, after Bruce Lee died, his students divided into 2 groups JKD concept ---- Dan Inosanto, the guy continues to do research and learning other martial art, considering that JKD is only concept of "using what is useful for yourself and abandoned the useless" as what Bruce Lee mentioned. Gaining his blackbelt in BJJ at his 60's and still learning other martial art. And added many Southeast asia martial art in training context. Original JKD ---- Ted Wong and other students would like to fix what is "JKD", teaching only what Bruce Lee "teach" and "learn"....Whenever there is problem, just looking into what Bruce Lee learnt, Wing Chun, Fencing and etc. No information is allowed to add. Under Original JKD, this also divided into 2 more new group..... 1) Original JKD kick boxing teaches only striking fight 2) Original JKD grappling teaches only about 30 grappling skill that shows in late Bruce Lee's private information.
  4. OK, sorry to make you confusing. As I have mentioned that I am not Native speaker. Too lazy to look into dictionary....for the word [flex] I mean my abs was flexing. P.S. Of course, I did try to build up my ads by flexing abs and breathe out when trainer used Thai kickpad to hit my ads
  5. No P.S. By the way, even I dont believe that they can achieve that sort of effect. This is natural not to believe. Originally, I thought that they were just playing fake while looking at the video.
  6. Hopefully, definately, undoubtedly wont gain any popularity. And surely that is a good thing P.S. I mean the Newly developed Wushu by PRC
  7. The Animal, Sorry that I dont agree your point The "strikes" are not joke.... I felt that 1 month ago and the feeling just like the force penetrated inside my stomach and seems power wave rebound outside. And I want to vomit at that moment and lose at least 6 - 7 seconds before I can recover. (The guy did not use full power yet) The guy shows me this is about 30's something and trained in Canada for 5 years I wonder that internal Chinese martial art or maybe karate may also achieve that sort of effect. And also [Discovery Channel] has introduced this martial art. P.S. Personally, I tried BJJ, Muay Thai and etc. Just written what I have experienced for other reference
  8. https://www.russianmartialart.com <---- Some video there I have done some drills of Systema. No kata nor Form. Practical, simple, effective, interesting and deadly in case you done that well. Breath out and swing is 2 way that they eliminate strike from other. Of course, need to keep the "Form" and stay relax. (Form is the posture that need to stay during whatever or whenever even you lose balance, or to be simple, consider from head to backbone stay straight and as a whole solid piece) Do that well, you can counter attack at the same time later also. Bone breaking may happen always coz most of them may use full power to punch ribs and different part randomly during training. Not to hurt but to help. Each person would treat other friendly with the intention to train together and not to show off or hurt P.S. Just a beginner' viewpoint & non-native speaker above, but I would say that they are definately not fake.
  9. Weng Chun (Not Wing Chun), meaning "Forever Spring" For those who really are familiar with Chinese Kung Fu circle, should know the late Grandmaster Tang Yick "King of the long pole". After going in the website, click the left hand corner on the top http://www.wengchun.de/Galerie/Videos/videos.htm Enjoy~~~~
  10. I know there maybe some exchange of technique between Sambo & Chinese Shiao Jiao on late Qing about 1900. I dont believe that some Chinese Kung Fu come from Russian. But many documentation show that Muslim race in China teach Spring Leg and Xiying Fist. Han, Manzhu, Mongolian, Muslim and Tiabet are 5 major race in China after 1911 with the establishment of Republic. But before except Han, other were considered as foreigner or barbarian
  11. Not sure about the story is real or not..... But I would say that this guy is being challenged for a while after reading his story....Reaction as follow: 1) Type one ----Ask for tape or movie (Like me) 2) Type two ---- Just not believe what he said 3) Type three ---- Ask him to come out for sparring
  12. Currently, start to do some Systema, the Russian Army martial art. I find some similarity in it to Internal Chinese martial art like Bagua. Anyone can say more?
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