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Everything posted by UnKnownsenSei

  1. i truly believe so my friend. i am a person who really never understood the whole religious thing. the concepts was too vague for me. i became upset because many people told me that happiness comes from firm belief in god and the religion u practice. I took that in and studied as much about religion as possible but could never discover happiness. Later on in my life I started becoming more philosophical and analyzed much more about my place in the universe. I became satisfied with the idea that Helping people in need is where my Happiness comes from. I also found out that the laws taught to me by my martial art instructor helped me to become not only more spiritual but mentally tough and disciplined. At that moment i decided to live my life trying to better myself and the world around me through KARATE. I believe that this thing called "martial arts" is the only thinng that truly makes me happy. I understand you man.
  2. there are many men and women who consider themselves important assets to their community. these individuals equate their worth with the kind of occupatient they have. some people who are policemen say things like " i help the community everyday by keeping the law and order." this is true and i respect policemen. wat do you think about the title of martial arts instructor? Is a martial arts instructor as important as a policeman, lawyer, school teacher, etc? how would th world be without instructors of martial arts, how wwould your life be different?
  3. i think its all real bro. really tho sooo many people cling to the KNOWN aspects of martial art, the world, the universe, life in general. because of this, we forget sometimes that the possible was once impossible u kno. personally i believe that something as great as levitation...may sound tricky to discuss u kno. but as a humanbeing and as a martial ARTIST i cant say that things like that are totally impossible. I mean this thing we call Martial art is an art. combined with the ideal that Art in its truest form is unknown, inspirtational, creative, amazing expression of the soul; How can anyone who calls themselves a martial artist can sit there and say humm....naw thats not real. we are suppose to be embracing the unknown so that we as individuals can become stronger, more intelligent, and furthermore inspirtational people to the world. NEVER limit urself friend.
  4. I dont know why i decided to post this rite now at 1:53 in the morning. i guess i just had to get it off my chest. I have been a martial artist my entire life. Since a young man I've been internally connected to this way of life. When I think of throwing a punch, kick, or grapple, something just comes over me. Its as if i've been born to execute these moves you know? It is indeed a love i'll always have and cherish. As i become more of an adult I've started to observe a little more about myself and the world around me. I've come to the realization that the westernized view of religion has bored me and has decided to use martial art as my way of spiritual growth. recently i've been doing alittle more reading and training than usual because i think I've discovered something big. Something like a spiritual door or almost a way of enlightenment. now I've never been to a zen temple nor have i ever sat down with a monk, but I believe I've discovered a path to enlightenment. At first it frightened me because i've never felt so relaxed and intune with all things. Its funny but after i sat and meditated I remember walking outside and looking up. It appeared as if the universe seemed a tad bit closer to my soul. I suddenly became alittle more frightened of this experience and have decided to back away from this "soul experiment" out of fear. Fear of discovering something so profound about this world, myself, about everything. Am i so used to my unhappiness in life that I, at this very stage in my life, am willing to throw away something so new and unique? I ask myself this a million times a day and the answer is still the same, NO! I don't think Im ready for a change like this. I don't think Im ready to take on such a responsibility. Its as if I need help accepting...the major aspect of life.
  5. the person who doubts himself is one of the most important people in the world hes the only one not swollowed by ignorance and complacency
  6. i rather be one in a million than a million in one
  7. not so much surprised at the class but of the teacher. he was a guy who came and went. really never stuck wit the plan of the week. i mean sometimes he did. we would have class everyday for one week and then the next...3 days. hard to get promoted as well. our classes were free so it wasnt like he was trying to keep us around for money. i kind of thought he abandoned tha class after awhile. he just didnt want to show up. i guess in a way, he forced me to create and discover on my own time. he instilled in me a sense of being unique and i'll always remember him 4 that. This was my first karate teacher.
  8. sorry i do not know how to quote yet so i took the whole text to acknowledge that i've read it. very great, very great. but sir in the mix of these "principles" where would the MIND come into play? U layed each one that you thought was important out but left out the mind?
  9. this is a great article. i love how it explains the abiding place. i think however that this aspect of training tha mind to flawlessly do things without thinking should not be labled as the goal of martial artist. i think mastery in this aspect is important but there are soooo many more important fascets to think about. i personally believe in the discovery of connection between the physical, mental, and spiritual aspect-the triagram to be most important. this article speaks about the triagram in a subtle way to the point where it is, in my opinion, limiting to the martial mind. but again very great article
  10. no one fully knows for sure how to "own up" to ones actions to me. how many people say after completing a task " i should have done it this way" tha lesson should not be in one ownin up, but in realizing that you should, in a sense, correct the understanding of reaction. this is a goal that should be understood
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