It's amazing that people can get away with selling these uniforms as 'Tokaido' when they aren't really made in Japan by Tokaido. I respectfully disagree. If you take a look at the homepage of the Tokaido Japan website, you can see they also provide WKF Approved Kata & Kumite gis distributed by Tokaido International. I can assure you that here in the U.S. we ( distribute 100% authentic Tokaido products. Very true, the Tokaido gi's that you sell are not knock-off's but the gi's that you sell are made in China by a company that is licensed by Tokaido to manufacture their gi's. They are not made in Japan by Tokaido. Only those gi's with the following models, NST, TSA, TAW, KTW, SAW, AW, BW, and SAB, are made in Japan by Tokaido. Not to say that the gi's made in China are not as good, for all I know they may be better but they are not the same as the ones made in Japan. That is all.