Hello all. I am a first year native English instructor in Damyang County residing in Gwangju, South Korea. I have been in Korea for 6 months now. For the past 3 months I've been training in Hapkido 4-5 nights a week. However, my instructor just informed me that he will be closing our Dojang. Some of the posts on this forum seem top-notch and I was wondering if any of you have the low-down on training opportunities in Gwangju? If so I would greatly appreciate the info. As far as Hapkido goes I was attracted to the versatility of the art, but I'm not a purist. I'm interested in learning. Period. Prior to training in Hapkido, I also have some experience in Wushu (about 3-4 years worth). Needless to say, I have found that each discipline requires at least two things of its practitioners: hard work and humility. I look forward to participating in the forums. Gratis.