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Everything posted by shukokai_guy

  1. Haha dude I made one of those pulley stretchers. Do you have a link to the one you bought as I think it would probably be better than the one I made. I honestly didn't know you could buy them. I copied mine from Bruce Lees design. Sorry dude, had a look on ebay and I couldn't find the one I bought. I did buy it about 2-3 years ago though. The only one similar I could find was this: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/STRETCH-LOOP-ORIGINAL-Patented-Portable-Leg-Stretcher_W0QQitemZ250560106898QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMartial_Arts_Equipment?hash=item3a568bd192 The one I have is made out of black nylon strapping and has more pulleys
  2. I study Shukokai Karate and we use red bars at the tips of our black belts. This is done until sandan (3rd dan) and after this I am not too sure.
  3. Congrats and welcome to the yudansha
  4. For Shodan Ho I had to do Seienchin and Rohai For Shodan I had to do Juroku and Kosokun dai
  5. I have a stretching machine like the one you are talking about, that is the one with the crank a leg extensions on either size. Bought it from a local martial arts supplier here in melbourne. But to tell you the truth I am not a big fan of this type of apparatus a you are very restricted in the range of motion of your stretch. I have another piece of equipment which consists of a cradle for your foot and a pulley system. it is secured to the ceiling, you r foot is placed in the cradle and you hoist your leg up by pulling on the pulley. A far better stretch as you are standing and this also allows you to practise your kicks while you stretch. I would recommend this system over the sit down stretcher. I got it off ebay and was a lot cheaper too, about a quarter of the price.
  6. Hi guys I was just wondering if there is anyone on here from Australia? I live in Melbourne and my dojo at which i train is in Sunshine. Is there anyone else from around the area or anywhere in Australia for that matter?
  7. Club name: Samurai Schools of Shukokai Karate Place: Victoria, Australia Sensei: Darren Olsen, 6th Dan Shihan (Australian Chief instructor)
  8. Hi, I study Shukokai Karate and our belt progression is as follows: White (10th kyu) Red (9th Kyu) Yellow (8th kyu) Orange (7th kyu) Green (6th kyu) Blue (5th kyu) Purple (4th kyu) Brown (3rd kyu) Brown with two black stripes (2nd kyu) Brown with three black stripes (1st kyu) Shodan Ho (probationary black belt, usually just a plain black belt) Shodan (black belt with a red stripe) This belt progression applies only for adults. The belt progression for juniors differs to this.
  9. Hi there everyone, I am 30 (just turned 30 yesterday) and i have been practising karate since I was 12 with a BIG break between the ages 0f 18 and 25.
  10. Hi there everyone, TokyoSuitsMe, I know exactly what you are going through. I started training in Karate when I was 12 and reached 1st kyu when I was 17 or 18 at which point I stopped. I became very busy with school and work and also, truthfully, I had lost that passion. Then about four to five years ago that spark was re-kindled and I realised that karate was and is my true first love. Now at the age of 30 i have finally achieved the rank of Shodan and i don't feel like slowing down. So I guess what i am trying to say is maybe you should take a break (the length of which is up to you) and rer-assess your situation. I guarantee that if your heart belongs to karate you will find your way back. Good luck and I sincerely hope you find your path.
  11. Hi everyone, I am new to the forum. I thought it might be time I contributed something. As a practioner of Shukokai Karate, these are the Katas I know: Pinan Nidan, Sandan, Godan, Yondan, Shodan Ananko Bassai Dai Bassai Sho Matsukaze Jion Saifa Kosokun Shio Kosokun Dai Rohai Seienchin Jurokono Seipai Sanchin Unshu Niseishi Useishi Chinto These are the ones i remember how to do. I have been taught a few more, but at the moment struggle to remember them.
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