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therealashland's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Such a deal!!!!! Thats a deal??? 50 dollars for each belt testing?? that is a ridiculous amount? i called around, the average amount in our area is from 35-40 so we are higher than all
  2. So I passed my 1st color belt testing,... I am a TaeKwonDo student. I have been working very hard towards this. (those of you know who have read my other post) I've been in TKD since 11/16. Testing consisted of punching, with horse riding stance, foot to foot side kick, front snap kick and round house kick. also kicking and punching combination. Then we had to do our 20 step form followed by 2 kick non contact sparring. My main issue was endurance but i pushed through and for once my TKD master had nothing but nice things to say, he was floored! I have been putting countless hours in at the gym. Been going to MMA class and got some good workouts in. The teacher there used to own and operate the karate school locally and helped alot with my form and kicks. I have a few questions, there is a young girl there that tested along side me on friday and was promoted to blue belt ( our belts are white, yellow, yellow with green stripe, green, green with blue stripe, blue, blue with red stripe, red, red with black stripe, red with double black stripe and black) she started in Junes of 09 i believe which is about a belt a month almost another guy who has done tkd before has been there over a year and just now testing for blue belt. her mom also works there,.. isn't that kinda fast for progressing I know everyone is different, and no i am not hating. but your thoughts on it. also our school when you get to black belt there are different levels, like there were a few black belts testing for 1st dan level 3 but if anyone can give me tips on getting more flexible, and if there are any workouts that will get me stronger and will help me become a better tkd student please link me. I am so happy I finally moved up thanks for reading TheRealAshland
  3. My school charges $50 dollars for belt testing, I didn't even have the guts to know what the fee's were for black belt testing, we have there are 9 belts before black and thats 450 up until you reach your black belt,... and addition your total tuition foe 3 year black belt is about 3k seesh
  4. between 3 or 4, it is supposed to be which ever contract you sign, if it anything other then the 3 year black belt contract its only up to four classes but i know alot of people who signed the 8 month contract thats doing like 2 classes in 1 day, 3 days a week but i normally do 4 classes but lately 1 class a week
  5. in my school, favorite students are the ones that get hit and flipped like the example on how to do something, i hope i am never his favorite
  6. I noticed that. As I could add forthright comments to the age as well. And, I am trying to handle it with "kid gloves". Let me state, with utmost due respect; I am not a art-style basher. If something isn't my cup of tea, I try to remain nonchalant about it. Until someone rams it in my face and waves their hands like it is the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel. Not, that you are trying to do this, I am generalising and being rhetorical. this demo was for fun, not for competition,... I never said it was the best school ever ( nor did you say that i did) but out of all the schools I looked at, OhDoKwon being one of them ( the black belt video school) this by far was the best school, and the best choice for me, I was overly impressed by the instructors, there skill level, the skill level of various black belts red belts and green belts that I've seen. i have a few more videos i need to make them shorter and i will post the links,.. and thanks @joesteph it was a good opportunity for me to meet all the instructors,.. and get a really good discounted rate
  7. like?,...... I watched them practiced and they are very good,... this is just there demo team,...the fun stuff
  8. that's partially why i chose to go with another school, the video is heavily edited, (*note i was there*) she did not break all of those boards on the 1st try,... the sparring actually was better on youtube than in person, the instructor kept yelling out use other techs which she did not, her daughter *which her black belt test is on there as well* sparred with her, and whooped up on her pretty bad,.... thats why i did not choose that school,... i felt that there was little skill there,.... debbie is just a person who goes to ohdokwon,.... here are a few videos of the school i did choose from there demo team and there instructor demos give me a couple hrs theres a video of the kids demo team too,...*too cute
  9. i was looking at this school ( but eventually chose another) I was there during the taping that's why i am posting,, you can see me in the beginning behind those 2 darn bottles,... post your feedback
  10. yeah @ RichardZ i chose the school with more belts ( not because of how many belts) but from talking with the instructors and seeing the students i felt the master shim was the better choice , the student's seemed to have a higher skill level, i like how the classes were ran, and what not,.. wish me luck! my 2nd group class is tomorrow i hope to get my green stripe soon,..cause i have these kicks down ( sidekick front kick and roundhouse)
  11. When I said he scarred me he was more straight forward I guess not warm and fuzzy. After watching the black belt test at oh do kwon I was less than impressed the sparring looked like yellow or green belt level instead of black belt he kept saying 'use other techs' but they kept doing the same side kick and round house kicks and a few punches. And I'm at the master shim place now, watching the black belts and red belt practice for there demo and am very impressed there are some red belts too
  12. the 2nd 1 i looked into was on a 10 belt system, with like white yellow , yellow.green, green, green.blue etc.
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