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    Martial Arts

Ragnarok's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. The two oldest styles of Ninjutsu that are still practiced today are Iga Ryu and Koga Ryu however Over 70 different styles of Ninjutsu have been catalogued/identified. most of them have died out. Most were developed around a series of specific skills and techniques, and when the skills of a particular style were no longer in demand the style would usually fade from existence
  2. i agree with all of you guys but i am speaking about the big guys i once fought with one i am 1.72 and 75 kg and he was like 1.85 and like about 100kg but even i know ninjutsu i was a bit afraid to fight a big guy so i couldnt do my moves like so i took him out this way: i waited for him to come to grap me so i block his grab and ive done a choson on his face. now i am wondering what THE HELL WAS THAT i needed to put more power to my graps or i was loosing it?????
  3. i like to do this : when u have his leg in front of your torso push him backwards so he can loses balance and then sweep his leg hard with your leg
  4. Hello to everyone i always liked the grapling techinques but some of them are very hard nearly impossible to do to a street fight i know some very good graplings but the hard part is to do them in a street fight i like to hear your opinions (sorry for my bad eng)
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