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  • Martial Art(s)
    American Shotokan/MMA

Nobodysaidbella's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I never fail to be surprised by, in any style, the number of pointless, fancy moves that work in theory, but never do.
  2. I find it kinda funny how people joke about 'Judo chop's when there isn't really any chopping in judo.
  3. A knife hand, or a 'karate chop'? Also funny, is that for all of people's joking, knife hands and ridge hands can work.
  4. Yes, but that isn't a just fight! If you're attacked, fine, fight back. But a trained martial artist against a person with no real combat training is anything but fair. If you've sufficiently incapacitated them enough to get away, I see very little reason to continue unless defending someone else, or they refuse to surrender. If they've surrendered, there is absolutely no reason to continue 'defending' yourself.
  5. Yeah, I think it's a terrible idea. I mean, there are exceptions to every rule, but it's generally the instructor would have the upper-hand. Maybe a sempai, but still.
  6. Well yeah, the couple running ours met when she started training under him a decade or two ago. Now she's a 3rd and he's a 5th, and they've got three or four studios together. You couldn't tell that they're married though, since he's totally the boss. But I always thought it would be awkward dating an instructor. At least in the beginning.
  7. I came across this is another forum, and I thought I'd ask it in here, since I've had a friend in this situation. What do you guys think about people dating in the dojo, especially instructors and students? I think it might be possible, but I think there are more cons than pros when it come to dating your student/instructor. Opinions?
  8. I love it. Yeah, I talk to my friends about it, but I don't like to advertise it. I mean, I goof around with like knifehand blocks (not in public) and such, but I never demonstrate anything for anyone unless they specifically ask me.
  9. I agree. Assuming you're capable, you shouldn't leave if someone could get hurt. Though I'm sure a few quick arm-breaks could prevent the attacker from hurting someone else before the authorities get there.
  10. In my mind, I was just thinking of a cat fight, but yeah, you're right. Revenge is when you go beyond the force necessary for escape. If you've broken someone's leg, then (assuming they don't have friends or weapons) there's no need to continue to trash them, especially if they're obviously not going to be able to fight back. If it's a big deal, like attempted rape, call the police.
  11. Oh I don't mean literally whack her and call it a day. I mean whatever I need to do to get her to back off. I don't want to smash every bone in her body when a simple chop to the throat would do it, but I'm not averse to using force to make my point. Also, I'm not saying women don't fight as well as men, but it's the intentions that matter to me. A girl/girl fight is one thing, but if a man tried to attack me, it's probably for a much darker reason, and that's not someone I'm willing to 'whack a few times until they back off.
  12. I doubt that neck break would be entirely effective. And certainly not as effective as, say, an armbar imo. As said earlier, imagine the legal ramifications for killing someone. I've been told that if you have a black belt, you can be charged with possession of a deadly weapon.
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