Hi Everyone: I have recently returned to martial arts training after a hiatus of several years. I began studying American Karate (this particular system had a strong TKD base, with some Shotokan and Aikido thrown in as well) when I was 14, and earned a 2nd degree brown belt. I eventually got burned out, and took a few months off. I transferred my brown belt to another school which taught a similar style, but with more of a Shotokan base, and I earned my Shodan-ho at age 17 (it is my understanding that Shodan-ho is sort of like a "probationary" black belt; in that school, one also had to earn an orange belt in jiujitsu to be considered a full shodan, but I entered the military shortly thereafter, and never had a chance to return.) So now I'm 30, married w/kids, and in graduate school in the New York area (near Yonkers.) I am living basically off a scholarship for the next 2 years, and cannot afford to take lessons at a dojo, so my only option is to train alone. I have made a commitment to pursue traditional Shotokan Karate as best as I am able. Because I cannot afford to take lessons at a real dojo, I have to rely on books, videos, and my previous background to train. Right now, I am focusing on kihon and learning the kata. There are a few black belts at my school who have trained in TKD, and we do get together and train a few times a month, but nothing in the way of Shotokan. So, considering my situation, can anyone offer any advice to help me progress in my training until I can finish school and afford to enter an established dojo? My thanks. In Christ, Michael