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  • Martial Art(s)
    tae kwon do
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whitedragonma's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. The next time someone asks" what would you do if I do this" tell them that if you show them you will have to hurt them. See if they still want you to show them.
  2. I too at one time didnt believe a child should recieve a first dan until they reach an adult age. I had a conversation with a friend that has a school in a near by town. Though he himself dont have any Jr. blackbelts, he asked me to look into the future and what would I do if I have a child that starts in ma at 5 and works hard for the next 4 or 5 years to reach 1st brown. Should you tell them that they have to wait till they are 16,17,or 18 till they can test for black? We are a reward driven society and that child will prob not continue to practice with a goal so far into the future. What my friend offers is a Jr. bb and at a age of 16 they can test for adult black.
  3. kenpo, I dont know if I can be much help cause of the differance in location. I just opened my school about 3 weeks ago and am just looking to hopfully pay the rent and utilities. As far as fees to charge students that also depends upon your location. I am located in a very small town and prob. not charging as much as schools in metro areas. If you plan on selling MA gear then you might need to get a tax number. You might also think about insurance also. Good luck
  4. Things I wont accept, hmmmm, as far as sparring goes there are 2 things that will anger me. 1 a blind technique . If a student throws a strike at me they better be looking at the area they are trying to make contact with. 2. A wild swinging technique. This means that there is no control in what they are throwing at me. If a technique lands on target, and they are looking and they have control I will acknowlege that they got me. Otherwise I will give one warning and will tell them how much I dislike blind or wild technique. So far the warning has been enough.
  5. Keeping this short, I am from Oklahoma and started Martial Arts when I was 12 and I am almost 43 now. About 15 years of that is active in Martial Arts. I am presently a 2nd dan in Tae Kwon Do. I have recently opened up my own school. Been reading the forum for a bit and have learned alot off of here. Thanks to everyone, Take care.
  6. Kick Chick, This is the first post I have written on here after reading forum for about a month now. With starting a new school this past week and always looking for new ideas for class, I just want to say that site you posted is one of the most usefull of the sites I have seen. Thanks , whitedragonma 2nd dan
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