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Everything posted by balloo

  1. thank you all very much. I also agree with the idea of using arms for arms and legs for kicks. I do not like blocking kicks with my arm. The bigger mass will win. I know you can parry in such a way that it redirects rather than using force with force, but even so, I do not like taking that chance. Most of the ideas I apply come from Wing Chun, so I am trying to understand Karate a bit more. I understand all arts are great and have things to contribute.
  2. Thank you all very much for your input.
  3. Several of the styles I have tried practice combinations that do not seem logical to me, and use principles that do not seem effective. For example, in Tae Kwon Do they teach you to perform an out to in block across your chest, (also found in karate) but then to counter punch you have to reverse direction to the opposite side of your body. To punch in that manner you must stop the force of the block reverse the force to punch. It seems to take a great deal of energy. They teach you stay so tense when you move as well, it gets tiring very quickly. I mean no disrespect to any art, I have seen several fine practitioners of each, but some of the principles do not make sense to me. What does everyone else think?
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