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eidlyn's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I've found that century gis don't really fit right. I had a Century gi and a Century Dobak, and both sucked hard. My favorite gi is the Karate Athlete gi i have now. Heavy weight, great for kumite and kata. Right wicked gi.
  2. The real answer is, this guy obviously doesn't care what we or anyone thinks, as we sit around in judgement of him. He bought a black belt and started training himself, and thought he knew better than his sensei what he needed for training. In response to the actual question though, if you look at all the world champions in fighting, they're the ones with the great kata. Then again, if you look at Christof Pina, or whatever his name is, he has no skill in kata, and was the world champion twice. This guy hardly has the discipline that a true black belt would have, as he refused to learn from his sensei(based on the story), and i agree with the guy that says that this dude is just an mma fighter. The first black belts didn't give themselves black belts, they just practiced a lot. Also, if beating people up made his black belt legit, then I would have a black belt from when I fought that TKD black belt using my green belt judo knowledge. Overall, this guy isn't a black belt. Just an MMA fighter. A pretty good one by the story.
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