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GrimHydra's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Must have been beginners luck cause I hit myself a lot haha. Hes on vacation and Im not a student of his yet, I don't think the instructor there right now will take money and do all the legallities of it.
  2. Im glad to say I've got me a bo staff and am doing stuff online with youtube, for the instructor is on vacation for another week! Its really fun and I only hit myself in the neck once haha.
  3. I don't think I've ever seen a sansetsukan (...sorry again if i mispelt heh). It didn't have to be traditional martial arts...just any weapon you guys have found difficult to use. Thanks for your imput!
  4. Just wondering what weapon you guys think is the hardest to train with and why.
  5. Mine is almost 2 years old. I was going to EMT classes with the guy that was breeding them and he gave me a sweet deal, as long as I nudered him I got him for free so yea. I live south of anchorage.
  6. Well hello everyone. Im new not only to this site but karate in general. My names Chris, I live in Alaska. Im 20 years old and have a dog (full bred german shepherd). Ive seen and always been interested in karate from afar because lack of money but I've decided to give it a whirl now. Im especially interested in learning how to use the weapons...aaaand if yall wanna ask me any questions just go ahead I guess...just wanted to say hello...
  7. hopefully . Im going to talk to the guy tomorrow. I do have a bo staff here my little cousins were in it and atleast went that far, they have some other weps too. Is there a certain length this staff should be? its about 6ft I'd wager Is that ok for my height or all bo staffs that big?
  8. I think theres only one place here. He does do weapon training but on the time scheduel it says "Advanced & Weapons" I guess I could just talk to him and I really want to learn how to use the Bo staff and...eskrima sticks (Sorry if I mispelled). Those just seem like the most practical weapons, as in you could find sticks pretty much anywhere.
  9. so its kind of up to the instructor? Thanks for your time Much appreciated.
  10. I live in a small town in alaska, Im new to all of this and I don't have the most money. I want to see if I could go through the belts (starting with white) and be able to train with weapons at the very beginning, would this be ok or would it mess with my training.
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