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Everything posted by blackbelt94

  1. a hit to the throat is an immediate end of the fight. but, i can say from several times of experience, it is extremely painful (not to be taken lightly) and very easily a kill shot, not to be used unless absolutely necessary
  2. where to start... XMA style bo, kamas, and nunchakus, a century hanging bag, gloves, martial armor L2 (can anyone give me a product review on that?), and P2 sparring gear, new sais, new black belt, new uniform... the list goes on....
  3. they work fine for me until i got into the higher ranks, when the kicks were more powerful... now they fall over....
  4. 1)stupid people asking if i could kill someone 2)people asking to fight me 3)saying karate and tae kwon do are the same thing
  5. Bo most definitely. a 6' bo has range, and if used right can go from offense to defense quite easily
  6. I use to be always intimidated by the Kama, I would always thought that I would end up embedding them into my knee one a certain jump back in Okuta Gawa No Kama. But I got over it, I did how ever put sai into my foot though...hurt like a (explicitly deleted)...haha. i've dropped a sai AND kama on my foot before... i wouldnt recommend either. as for whacking yourself in the head with a bo... i did that all the time now im getting recommendations for diamond competition with it
  7. true, but this leaves solar plexus and ribs open. most likely not going to work on someone with more than rudimentary fighting experience
  8. your instructor is right, the foot should be pointing away. as for the pain in your hip, make sure you roll your hip fully, so you're perfectly straight
  9. reguardless of rank, theres some rounds of sparring. Depending on rank, the harder the judges go on you, and they're always within the same ranking class. (this is for tae kwon do)
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