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Everything posted by Gi-Unit

  1. Going straight from kicking into grappling isn't going to work too well. The advantage of kicking is that it gives you distance, which is the opposite thing that you need when grappling. You need some way of getting closer to your opponent yourself or luring him in. For example, you could set up a combo that starts with a kick, then a punching sequence to get inside. You could also wait for him to kick, then trap the leg and sweep. Now you've got a grappling game. Remember, just like in stand-up it is just as important (if not more) in grappling to use the other guys mistakes to your advantage.
  2. It takes about 5 years to achieve black belt.
  3. There are a lot of McDojangs out there and if you train in one and assuming you have the drive and ability you will deffinitly become VERY good at delivering/defending kicks since thats pretty much all you do. Throwing and blocking KICKS. Not much throwing/blocking punches in my experience. However, I'm a blackbelt in this art and I feel confident using what SD techniques I have learned from TKD alone to defend myself against the average joe. Take it for what it's worth.
  4. Forms are a TRADITIONAL way of practicing techniques and are not useless. As for being boring, yeah I guess if you have no appreciation for them in the first place it could be rather boring to watch.
  5. I would say that these are all neutral positions because no one as the advantage in any of these scenarios. Both the attacker and the defender have several offensive options for any of the these situations.
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