we pull our knees as close to our chest as we can, pivot the leg on the ground to roughly 285 degrees and then extend straight out hitting with the blade/heel/blade and heel...
umz...I'm new (duhh stupid me didn't need to say that) I'm an orange belt in ju-shin-do a really new style I'm the club's baby. I'm the "loving one" supposedly O.o But in the ring they call me the demon...because of how I change from sweet to evil in no time I guess. I'm just the average kid...oh yeah my name is Seanté aka Shigure: weapon lover So heyz everyone...
lol @ sensei8 When I was just learning how to spin my staff i hit myself in the groin and then the head respectively. I was using a piece of iron because I didn't have my own staff that time <_< lights OUT!!
i graded last saturday...wasn't nervous, more like frustrated. The first quarter was like endurance...barely made it through but I passed (though when i heard that we had an hour of running again i had a panic attack) ^_^"'