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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Taekwondo, Judo
  • Interests
    Martial arts, reading, writing
  • Occupation
    IDF soldier

Megamad's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Well, I think the differences are very easy to overcome, as TKD and Karate are so much alike in technique. I think what seperates them is mainly the way you train and the emphasis,
  2. No, the limited time I have now for martial arts training I want to focus on Judo. But I do belive I'll come back to that class later on in my life.
  3. I had been increasingly interested in Karate and Shotokan in particular recently, and yesterday finaly went to a class. Coming from TKD made everything very familiar, and yet it was very different. The stances in Kata are lower, I was surprised by the instructors stability while performing kata in very high speed. I would sometimes feel that in TKD sparring and Poomse have nothing to do with each other, in karate there seems to be a very firm connection. Allso Karate fighting strategy is surprisingly quick and explosive and relies on very dynamic and sharp footwork, that I wouldn't guess from the seemingly stiff katas and kihon training. I had a good time and learned alot, very refreshing experience.
  4. Thanks for all the tips guys, my long range training program includes boxing too, so that should probably close the gap between the kicks and Judo.
  5. It's not that I can't put power in my kicks, it's that i'm used to kick with no power in sparring. I think what I really need is more hard contact sparring. But thanks for the advice anyway.
  6. My mistake, writing that I would focus on Judo for a couple of months, I meant a couple of years... Anyway, I can't honestly say I'm cofortable with my striking. I feel that my TKD training has given given me a couple of bad habits in addition to all the benefits. My kicks lack power in sparring due to point kicking training, and I don't feel that I have any handwork. I actually consulted my instructor on this (I thought about switching to Kyokushin), he advised me to stay in TKD and take part in his special blackbelt team, who's training is more combat focused, as well as complementing my training with boxing at some point. And thanks for the tips, I loved the article about focus mitts. (Sorry for my english, I'm from israel)
  7. So, you'r suggesimilsting to practice combination techniques somewhat similar to Jujitsu as a base to incorporation? (Later on sparring ofcourse)
  8. Yes, that's true. I did talk to my TKD instructor and we agreed I would be doing mostly Judo for the next couple of month's (But not completely abandon striking).
  9. Hi, sorry for the introduction thread before, I didn't notice the introduction forum. I practiced TKD for seven years now (black belt) and i'm starting judo. I was wondering how do guys incorporate grappling into your striking, do you conduct any special training for combining the two, or do you think it should flow naturally? Thanks.
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