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Everything posted by KarateAndy

  1. Hi there, Also try to enhance your understanding of Kumite. I've gotten most of my understanding out of books on Kata, Bunkai and Kumite (including strategy). Then just pick one thing that you would like to try/improve and focus on that in your next sparring session. I also recommend to pick one of your Karate colleagues and do light Randori before/after the training. Hope that helps.
  2. Love your descriptions! Thanks!
  3. What exactly was it that you got out of reading the books?
  4. Thanks guys for your great feedback! I'll definitely be busy now....
  5. Cool, thanks guys. Re topics: Any topics related to Karate are fine to be honest: Karate Do, Techniques, Kata, Strategy, Shotokan, History, Kumite, Bunkai, etc. I had a couple of 'not-so-good'-ones hence I'd rather rely on recommendations as opposed to buying blindly. Hope that makes sense.
  6. Hi there, Which books on Karate can you highly recommend?
  7. Hi sushi_error and still kicking, The kihon kumite forms do exist. Beginners usually start off with gohon kumite (five step kumite). Later on you will learn more advance kumite forms like Sanbon (3-step) and Ippon (1-step) kumite. Jiyu Ippon kumite which is the most advanced "regulated" form of kumite is usually taught last, prior to free fight/sparring. I am training in a dojo that has numbers associated with the techiques as well, but that's somethiing your school or organisation introduced to make it easier for you to learn. still kicking is right though, you should ask you instructor for further clarifiaction, too. Hope that helps! Have fun!
  8. Hi sushi_error, The block down is called 'gedan barai' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gedan_barai). Your arm isn't next to the ear when you punch. It's part of the preparation for the gedan barai. Does that make sense?
  9. Oh, wow, you guys got a lot of stuff. I've only got my belt and a Dogi in my sports bag. Do I really need those other things, too?
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