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Everything posted by sri_mersing81

  1. All karatekas are humble people, especially the ones i've been personally acquainted with. I didn't say that all Kyokushin karatekas are bullies, but here, they all look really fierce.....
  2. Strange, as I know many Shito Ryu Dojos who spar just as hard as many Kyokushin/Knock-Down Karate Dojos Is it? it's hard to adapt since most kumite tournaments here are semi-contact.
  3. i've been informed before there were 3 kinds : 1) satin 2) cotton 3) silk never heard of satin+silk b4. Is it as slippery as satin? Mine is satin.
  4. fray = fade? I dun quite like my belt to fray. I've spent a fortune for it! LoL
  5. too hard for my taste. Not everything can be resolved with a fist, imho.
  6. my suggestion : demon of wrath - Wrathia demon of pride : pridoustus demon of lust : lucious. Then again, it's kinda dinosaur name. Another suggestion : demon of wrath : horrodous. Demon of pride : eusysus demon of lust : Barradon.
  7. the only non demanding Karate styles are the one u learn from DVD. LOL. I agree that u should list out which sensei is which. U are at the right school if u feel that u are welcomed during the 1st training. Martial Art is not just self defense, but it is also for u to expand ur body limitation, challenging ur mind and also to learn self control...
  8. hi Patrick, tallgeese n ninja nurse. Thanx for the greetings!
  9. i see Karate has lost its value just from the fact the decrease of the students. My opinion is that there are three reasons: 1) Wrong marketing strategy - some movies, Karate is perceived as the 'dark side' of the martial art. Example like Bruce Lee VS Chuck Norris or how Donnie Yap beat the crap out of ten Karatekas in 'IP man'. This led to the belief that Karateka is worthless opponent. Other martial artists might behave rude by spitting onto ur Karate Gi while open sparring tournament, but then again, a slap of Ura Mawashi put them to good sleep TKO. 2) Student nowadays are too soft and tend to quit if the training is too hard for them to handle. They prefer something like Capoeira which is more popular and non lethal (They haven't seen a real Capoeiritas in action!) 3) The ideology of which the Senseis carry can be put as the measurement of how good the martial art is. Let alone if ur motto is : "The best fights u can win are the ones u can avoid!" LOL.
  10. For me, it's how frequent u train and how u'd understand the exercise that counts. Maybe some traditional exercises in Karate might not be seen applicable in real life situation, but as a martial artist, we have our own responsibility to understand why the exercise is executed.
  11. hi Andy... Thanks 4 the greeting. Yep... I really hope it too!
  12. Don't think that i'm giving u any ideas, just sharing my story. I was from another lineage of Shito Ryu before actually joining Shito Ryu. Due to some disagreement with my Sensei so i left. Later i found out that some of the students left too, since my previous Sensei wouldn't allow any of his students to participate in any kumite competition. Feeling sorry and having deep respect for him, (since he introduced karate to me), i tried to look for him to mend things with him, even not intentioning to join his style back. Later i found out he had moved to somewhere solitude, where i can't even find him. None of us can. I've tried my best to look for him. Trust me, i did. If u have any disagreement,it's better for u to talk it out with ur Sensei, to make sure that u guys are speaking on the same page. Furthermore, it's not that he didn't give his blessing, for u to participate rite? As for the 'Kata' part, may i quote a saying that 'the essence of Karate is kata'. Karatekas are told to 'read' a Kata, not just memorize it. To read or understand it could take years. I could take example that Karate is the same as eating. By not knowing the essence of the food, we'd still enjoy it, but less in knowing how the food is prepared to us as we have no knowledge on the essence; which in this example is the ingredient. Eventhough that Kata is being said to be the essence, the application of it in real life depends on how hard u train. This is what we call as muscle memory. If u've trained harder, ur body will automatically does any Kihon (to make it simpler, Karate basic movement) by reflex. For the BJJ or the mixed martial art u learn, it's not the martial art that counts. It's u can even go against a 10 year-old child training everyday, with us (let's say just during weekends) and the kid would still beat the crap out of us!
  13. Shodan Shito Ryu (Renshinkan Malaysia) under Malaysian Association Shito Ryu Karate (M.A.S.K). No specific dojo i'm teaching. I'm a traveller from one dojo to another training along with Karatekas.....
  14. I've registered for quite a while, but haven't posted anything after did some own nickname searches. Where are my manners? Please pardon me for my behaviour. My real name is Fairus. But prefer my nickname for forum matters. Residing in Malaysia. 1st Dan Black Belt Holder for Karate under the Shito-Ryu style. 3rd Dan Red Belt for Pencak Silat under 'Pertubuhan Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia' style. Currently single, available and handsome (lol). Favourite free time is practising Karate, Superbike riding (touring and track day) and also playing guitar and singing. Hope we can exchange view on martial art. Onegaishimasu!
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