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White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Yeah striking is what im looking for but grappling as well, so I'll just have to go see.
  2. Thanks again for the replies, I'll go to my local judo club as they let you watch, so do the other ones at a leisure centre near me when I get the next opportunity. My friend today showed me some arm locks he learnt from jujitsu and lets say they were pretty uncomfortable even though even though he didn't apply it fully, I know JJ incorporates alot of these locks and submissions. But I'm not sure if this is the sort of art I want to learn, I want to study one which has plenty of work on standing rather than ground work, grappling interests me which is why i'm checking judo classes. I'm researching about them anyway.
  3. Thanks for the feedback guys, this mixed class I was going to go to contains JuJitsu but Im not sure which one. I've seen some topics on BJJ and JJJ also, BJJ is alot of groundwork right? Which is why I wanted to broaden it to judo for takedowns and standing stances. My kick boxing was alot of padwork and not a whole lot of sparring which is what I want to do, which is why Karate kata's put me off.
  4. Hi, My friend is starting a new martial art along side his Tai Chi, its a mix of jujitsu and kobodu. I did kick-boxing for a few years and want to start a new MA again. I am unsure of which one is best for me, I have a judo club close to me, Karate and Taekwondo. I have been told that the Karate is boring due to kata and TKD isn't practical by a few people. I'm basically looking for a few ideas on not the best martial art as obviously x isnt better than y but more of an idea on practicality of different ones, details, general info etc. Thanks
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