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Everything posted by BKHowell

  1. Even without seeing the video or article, I knew the newer cars would be in better shape. They have all kinds of safety features built in like crumple zones under the hood and tougher, but lighter materials for safety beams for absorbing impacts The cars of old were mostly steel and iron and therefore just heavier and less forgiving in an impact. The weight and the movement of the impacts keeps making its way through the vehicle until physics just finally takes over and the motion is stopped.
  2. I have played (and still have them): Ultima IV (I actually have ultima 1-10, plus the 2 underworld games) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade King's Quest III (I have King's Quest 1-9)
  3. I try to practice my open hand and self defense moves a couple times a week. Just like a previous poster said, the space will sometimes limit the amount of movement I can do, but I do it anyway to keep the movements fresh in my mind. I even do self defense on my way to work. Anything that involves a kick I do in my mind, and then let me hands finish up.
  4. We are taught to close the distance as fast as we can and push down on the leg while delivering a back knuckle to them at the same time. If done correctly, you will jam their kick and get your hit in instead. If the person is good at chambering their kick in really deep, then best bet is to jump back slightly out of their range and try the move above as they are bringing it back. I have tried this move, but seeing as I am a beginner, I haven't gotten it down yet. Right now my normal defense against a kick is to bring my knee up as high as it will go and bring my front arm down till my elbow meets my knee...sort of like a wall. As I am doing that, I am leaning slightly towards them to 1.)be in position for my own move once I bring my foot back down and 2.)prevent myself from being knocked off balance from their kick. That has served me pretty well for most competitors since most are shorter than me. Doesn't work very well for the taller ones.
  5. Perhaps a video of it being run or at least a walkthrough of the moves. Maybe it is known by another name to others.
  6. The article said to check to see if you got updates from MS in Mar as well as virus def updates in Mar. That would be your first line of protection. Second line would simply be not to turn on your PC that day, or if you do have to turn it on, try doing it without being connected to the internet. Just unplug it from your routers. At the very least, leave your modems turned off and unplugged. At work that might be a little more difficult obviously but then again, you usually have an IT department to help out there. At home it is just you. How are your skills at fixing your own PC? I am not so worried about this as I am about due to rebuild my PC anyway. I tend to rebuild it completely about every 6 months or so. Plus, I don't surf the net with my main machine. It is for gaming only. I have a small laptop beside me that I do all my surfing on. I wouldn't be surprised if it was infected. I go to many questionable sites when I research things. It is way overdue for a rebuild.
  7. I am like Joesteph. When I closed my hand into a fist to hold the outside strap, the kick would force my fist into my body and it hurt at times. I keep an open hand as well.
  8. I am an orange belt myself. I have been doing this for about 8 months now. Our ranks go from white, yellow, orange, purple, blue, green, brown (plus degrees), and black (plus degrees).
  9. I sprained 2 fingers on my left hand right before my tournament 2 weeks ago. The first joint of my pointer finger got bent backwards by the assistant instructor and my thumb got jammed by a visiting sensei friend of the dojo. I did block both of their kicks, but it was at a price. My thumb still hasn't fully healed yet. For awhile I couldn't do much of anything with my left hand.
  10. 35 here and loving my training. Have been doing it for it for about 8 months now.
  11. Being considered a beginner, I have mostly sparred with brown and black belts. With that said, I have been told that we do light to medium contact. If we hit hard and our opponent doesn't care for it, we lighten up. If we don't, our opponent has the permission from the instructer to nail us as hard as they want. Hasn't happened yet, but the offer is there. As far as sparring females, they get the same treatment as the men as far as rules goes. Contact is typically light though.
  12. I tend to favor my left 75/25. I can snap a back hand out pretty fast with my left hand. I am working on using my right more to keep my opponents off guard. I do fairly well there.
  13. To me, sparring is an important part of my training. Typically our week goes like this for adults. Mon is Intermediate ranks. Forms and self defense are geared towards those ranks. Tues is for beginners. Course is geared towards them. Wed is Advanced first, then open class after that. Advance stuff is geared towards the advanced people and open class is basically tailored to all the ranks present. Tends to be either MMA, sparring techniques, or just review if there are some belt tests coming up. Thurs, my favorite day, is sparring. There we get to use what we have learned earlier in the week and see how it works against someone doing the same thing. Friday is our Kenpo team practice for tournaments.
  14. I tend to wear my gi and belt from the house to the car, from the car to the dojo, and back again. If I have to stop at the store or something on my way home, I remove the belt.
  15. Washing and drying it a few times worked for me.
  16. Being 6'1" and 250 lbs, I would have to say it has helped me in some situations and hurt me in others. The only place I have more girth than I would care for is my belly. The rest of me is pretty fit. I have the weight/strength advantage in grappling, but my endurance isn't what it used to be....being 35 has a little to do with that as well. I am also not as flexible as I used to be. Again, age affected that.
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