What martial art style(s) would you recomend for police officers to study? Throughout my life I've taken American Kenpo on and off.....which I really liked but Kenpo schools in my area have all but vanished. I've also done some Shotokan training which I did not care for as it was too stiff and the low stances really didn't seem very practical to me. Many police officers in my area take a Shotokan based style called Kwanmukan which is a mixture of Shotokan, Judo & Kubudo. I recently found a dojo, run by police officers, that teaches Aiki-Jutsu, Goshin-Ryu Karate and a Poekoelan style of Kung Fu. They are letting me go there FREE for one month to see if I like it and all I have to do is ask about a move/technique and BAM they show me every aspect of it.