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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shito Ryu
  • Location
    Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • Interests
    Sport & Traditional Karate
  • Occupation
    Secondary School

Aiyo6o4's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. I've been to a lot of competitions and noticed how shotokan practitioners do their kata. It looks strong and fast, but it looks like a lot of 'poundage' on the joints there!!! I'm a shito ryu karateka, so we don't do that much pounding (plus we have mats in the dojo to decrease the pounding on our joints), and my knees and elbows hurt occasionally. I wonder what you guys do to cope with the pounding? Or if you never had a problem, HOW IS THAT??!!? Just wondering how you guys tough it out . Has anybody had surgery because of karate??
  2. Hi everyone! Sorry for the extremely delayed response! It's been hectic at school, work and karate. Thank you to everyone with their advice, I'm certain I will take your tips to the dojo. I'll also ask a sempai or sensei about on how I could improve on my power.
  3. Hi everyone, I don't get it! My sensei, senpais, and karate buds always say I have really good technique in my katas but I have no power... I do try really hard to show power but they say, "I see no power, it looks clean but weak" .... What can I do(through excercise) without slowing down my speed, without compromising my basics, but gain the power?
  4. I go about 4 times a week. Monday, Wednesday,Thursday, Sunday. Each class is 1.5 hours.
  5. Tallgeese, you could be right. It seems weird though as I'm the only one in the dojo that seems to be getting this pain... Shorikid, the pain feels like it's coming from the joint, on the opposite leg (the support leg) more than it is coming from being inflexible. I will take you up on your advice and take it slow when learning this kick. Killermiller, how high should the knee be? Thank you for welcoming me and for your time helping me out!
  6. The uramawashi geri? I would say imagine a round house kick to the face except you're hitting with the ball of your foot on the other side of the face. Sorry I can't provide a better explanation... maybe this short Youtube video-clip link below can be of help. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y85sHS89svs&NR=1
  7. Hi, this is my first time being here and I wanted to ask you guys how can I do the uramawashigeri? Some info about me if it helps -> I am a brown belt in shito ryu karate, and I have been practising for 3 years. I am 17. I'm a tiny girl 4'11 ft, 100 pounds. My senpais say it looks correct when I do it, but when i do it, it hurts the hip. I've been practising at the dojo last night, and now my left hip area hurts. ARGH! (Ex. I hook kick with my right leg, and then my left hip area hurts...) I'm a lot flexible than this guy at my dojo, who can do a really fast and strong uramawashi geri (He gets it in several times in competitions) I'm kind of afraid that after a few years down the road, I'm going to need hip surgery or something Thank you for your help!
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