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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    AKKI Kenpo.
  • Location
  • Interests
    Martial Arts

ryukasagi's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. I tend to just catch the kick and ten just trip the other person with one of my legs, however i can manage it
  2. 2 Kali/Escrima Sticks 1 Pair of open fingered gloves 1 Pair of boxing gloves 1 heavy bag 1 standing bag thats it.
  3. hey, i just saw the movie Azumi at my local walmart and was wondering if any of you had seen it? is it any good? Thanks
  4. For traditional weapons i'd have to say either the Katana, the Dao, or the Jian. For normal i'd say a pocket knife, standard folding blade.
  5. hey i'm looking for a firing pin for a Yugoslavian m48 mauser and was wondering if you guys could help me out. Thanks
  6. i like books that talk about the history of martial arts and all the legends and stories that surround them.
  7. True, haven't made that mistake again though. And now i get to use it.
  8. So i had been in my class for about just a little bit and me and one of my friends, i think we were new yellowbelts at the time were sparing with one of the second degree blackbelts in class 2-1. When he took my friend down and started fighting with him he had his back to me and i decided it would be the perfect opertunity to take him by surprise, unfortunately for me, i forgot there were mirrors and he looked up and backkicked my straight in the chest. My legs kept going and the rest of my stopped dead and i landed on the floor straight as a board, good times.
  9. Hi, i was just wondering what you guys think about Chi Knockouts that people like George Dillman claim to do? Personally i think they're bogus but i'd like to hear your opinions on them and any evidence you have for them. Thanks.
  10. I tested for my blue belt in front of my Grandmaster, Mr. Mills, and if you could have seen me you probally would have been laughing the whole time, i was so nervous i looked like i had drank 20 cups of coffee. Yeah i was nervous but i passed.
  11. I generally keep my fingers together and bent and my thumb in.
  12. Yeah it was the movie i was thinking about. I figured it wouldn't be a specific style but i have a friend who was curious and so i figred i'd help him find out. Thanks anyway.
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