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Karatefighter's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. This made me wonder what were the first jiu jitsu texts written and by who ? Any excellent jiu jitsu books worth recommending ? How did Jiu Jitsu become a combat martial art and how did karate become a civilian martial art ?
  2. Any more good books on this topic that you guys can recommend ?
  3. This seems to be a very interesting book. http://www.jiu-jitsu.net/jjhistory_book.shtml
  4. I wonder what kind of martial arts did the japanese military use during WWII ? I know that the japanese were not only suicidal warriors in the air towards the naval battleships. The japanese soldiers were so fast that they were frightening suicidal hand to hand assassins on the Pacific islands when it came down to no rifles, no more grenades and broken bayonets from hand to hand fighting that was so violent that nobody in their right minds would fight the japanese, yet the US Marines took them on. That was very crazy and scary huh ? My granddaddy said that sometimes the japanese preferred hand to hand fights to the death even if they had full clips of ammo, a round in the chamber and bayonets, grenades on their belts. They truly were warriors that really loved to fight. The US Marines really enjoyed fighting the japanese soldiers. My granddaddy said thath he would give anything to go back and fight like that with the japanese. He really appreciated the japanese being warriors and fighters. What did the japanese military train with for speed, power and balance ? What was their body conditioning program like ? What kind of improvements did the japanese military make to the martial arts during WWII ? Are there books that discuss the japanese military hardcore martial arts training during WWII ? What is modern day japanese military martial arts training like today ?
  5. I tried looking online for a good visual karate atemi waza chat. I may be looking in the wrong places. If you know of any excellent wall charts besides these two. Please post them. http://www.karate.butsu.net/hpage23.html http://www.bartelby.net/107/ Perhaps, Karateforums should make their own karate atemi waza chart and one that is very visual and accurately says what each effect that blow will do in real life. It could come non-framed and framed in a laminated wall chart ?
  6. Asking the question again. Please answer if you know ... Which karate atemi waza wall chart is the most accurate and very visual that I should buy ? Thank you.
  7. I am wondering where is the H.Q. for karate here in the U.S.A. ?
  8. Thank you men for the book recommendations. I am going to add these to my personal library. Which karate atemi waza wall chart is the most accurate and very visual that I should buy ? Thank you.
  9. The nearest karate club is 4 hours away. Many small towns do not have martial art clubs of any kind. I am trying to find a job and re-locate to the big city then I will be able to join a karate club and compete in full contact karate tournaments as well practicing war karate at home for self defense.
  10. I live no where near a karate club or any type of martial art club. This is why I am studying via home study until I have enough money to move to the big city also I want to have a good understanding of karate before I step into a karate club.
  11. Are you speaking of this book ? http://mmabooks.blogspot.com/search/label/Karate I found this MMA blog and the karate section is pretty thin. The book by Funakoshi is pretty good. I need to go to the Barnes & Nobles store to buy the book, after Christmas when I get caught up on the bills. Any more early karate texts I should buy also karate techniques and tactic books I should buy also, What books are a must in any good karate library ?
  12. Hmm ... I need to fight the urge to ask too many questions LOL. I would like to ask about early karate techniques and tactics books and which modern books goes into karate techniques and tactics that are used today. What about body hardening excersices of the past and how modern body hardening excersices have evolved from the early centuries ? I would appreciate if this is kept an old fashioned hardcore karate thread.
  13. Is this what you are talking about ? http://www.dragon-tsunami.org/Dtimes/Pages/article17.htm http://www.goju-ryu.info/Misc/Bubishi/tabid/59/Default.aspx http://www.amazon.com/Bible-Karate-Bubishi-Patrick-McCarthy/dp/0804820155
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