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Shorin Ryu, Kyusho Jitsu
Augusta, KS
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Yellow Belt (2/10)
No the clip is not awe inspiring. Also of course they arent feeding the attacks to the women, they have no training, The first day a white belt is in class you wouldnt come at him with everything you have and tell him use that block and punch you just learned 5 min. ago.
It is basic Kyusho Jitsu, and look how effective it is even for a small female with little or no training. Imagine what this stuff is like in the more advanced stages (devastating). Yet people discount it and say it is too hard to do, that’s a good escape for lack of knowledge IMO. If you have doubts it is real, Master Corn has a Kyusho seminar in Indiana, Dec 13th & 14th if anyone is interested, I can get you the info for it.
Kyusho isn’t hit or miss, its all how and what you train for. Everything is hit or miss depending on your abilities and how you train. Besides as one my instructors says "aim small miss small" If I aim for a target and so I am off a little bit yes I wont have the reaction from facilitating the nerve, but I still have blunt force trauma like every one else does. It’s just an added bonus for me. Bushidoman, I know exactly what you mean about Aikido, I have noticed sometimes how the throw or control they use looks just like some of the kata moves.
Tallgeese what you have been told is very true, kata does map out the body and the nerves (kyusho jitsu). The augmented block does map out H-2, which is a very effective way to deal with an arm to weaken it or take it out. It is also correct it isn’t a block; well I guess it can be used as one but it would be a waste to do so. There are so many different ways to interpret every move. None are wrong just some are more realistic and effective than others. It is art and that is what makes it so. I also agree with unkownstyle everyone should be working on their own meanings for kata.
As for the supported or augmented block I use it for many things. One being a lapel grabs, I use the lower hand or supporting crash into the arm that has grabbed me, also I always try to punch into their body say sp- 17. The top hand or the one in the soto uke position I use for a hammer fist or a back fist to the head and or neck, depending the available target and their structure of their body. I also use it for dealing with punches and attempted grabs. It is always good to practice from a grab at first to learn the techniques but you should then practice not getting grabbed also.
It is not needed to know a practical bunkai for every move of every Kata, all though there is nothing wrong with trying to. Funakoshi even has stated in one of his book that you only have to understand the true meanings of one kata to understand the rest. However I feel it is important to learn various kata, so that you can pick which ones you really want to research and learn from. I have 5 main Bunkai for each of the Pinan's, although nothing is set in stone. Applications should change as you advance and learn more. The Naihanchi sho and Ni kata's I have devoted allot of time to and still will there is so much to learn from such short and what look to be simple kata's. When you read and research karate history, and see that originally master only knew one or two kata's and that was their fighting system, or that they would spend up to 10 years learning one kata. Logically they didn’t spend 10 years just practicing the move like many do for competition. They spent that time learning and practicing all the possibilities of the applications for each and every move in that kata. Not block and turn your back on that opponent, then turn to just block the attack of someone that just did a sneak attack from behind you, that you sensed coming and had perfect timing with out looking. Because you used your ninja skills, that’s not even close to reality. All of the old kata are designed to for self defense to quickly cripple, destroy and or control the attacker.
The video is a fair example on a very basic level. Their is truly so much more. Which is what I meant on the post about favorite Kata's, how many people use the Kata and the techniques in them?
Pinan 1-5 Naihanchi 1-3 seisan Rohai Passai sho & dai Hakutsuru ( several different ones) sanchin These are the Kata's the I perform on a regular basis. their are others I work including weapons also. My question is how many of you work with the kata's, and have practical Bunkai for them ?
I use it for many different applications, including Kyusho.
It’s not that simple of a translation from what I have been told by a Japanese diplomat that is also a karateka. He told me Ki can mean lots of things as far as translation, It depends on the subject in which KI is used But from what I understand the Chinese meaning of the word CHI when you are relating it to martial arts or T.C.M it is Life force, Life energy, or Vital Energy. In English that would be Bio electricity.
Excuse my typo's today . In my first post I meant to say it does have something to do with breathing my bad. also meant qigong not gond lol .
Yes Prana it is , sorry Kundalini is the rising fire or someting like that, similar to the buddha palm qigond I was told, but dont know for sure.
KI (japanese) Chi (chinese) Qi (chinese) I see your from India, Simi. If I remember right, "Kundalini" is what it would be in India. KI is vital life force or vital. Some say it is the breath others go deeper with the meaning. To me it is the transference or energy and intent, which doesn’t have a little to do with breath.
Perspectives on Fighting Multiple Opponents
ShawnMiller replied to MMA_Jim's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Generalizing eyes throat and groin as vital areas is much too simplistic of a view on things, everyone instinctively knows those targets. There is a difference between just punching at general areas and targeting them. -
Perspectives on Fighting Multiple Opponents
ShawnMiller replied to MMA_Jim's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
You have to look at this not from a sport fighting pespective, but a life pertection one. Laws in some states very but in most, when you have multipule or larger attackers ( diperaty of force) you are justified you use weapons ( gun or knife even). Part of the purpose of conceal carry laws if you read them. SO like I said you cant look at it as a sport spraing perspective, you can use it just with no rules. Eyes, throat, joints things you dont use in a tournament. You should Always assume a mulitpule attacker seneareo in a real life self defence situation. You do swarm them but you also attack them singely both are correct. You have to attack them one at a time quickly and efectively and keep moving. You cant concern your self if your attack defeated them. It is posable to attack 2 or 3 at once but not like in the movies. But by stacking them up on each other. If you stand there and try to duke it out with the leader , what do you think the other crimnals are going to do stand there and watch. Maybe if there budy is kicking your butt. But the instant you get the advanagte they will have you. Hit fast, hard and in vital areas. Keep moving dont get tied up with them.