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Everything posted by Berutoron

  1. For my part, I have 2 questions: -For your Yellow Belt, is there a kumite test ? -If so, what happen exactly in a kumite test ? Is that just a fight ?
  2. You're gonna laugh (I'm not serious, as my sensei always says: "I'm not better than you, I just learned before you" and I know you guys won't laugh at me but looking at your rank...) White Belt Karate Shorin ryu White Belt Okinawa Kobudo (Preference: Bo, like Shaolin monks )
  3. Really ? That means I can become a table tennis champion by practising karate ? I knew karate was appropriated with nunchaku but not with table tennis hehe interesting...
  4. 2-4 classes a week... Each one lasts 1h30, but sometimes we practise 2h30 ! At home I often practise katas...
  5. Sounds kinda cool Bluedragon Add some ninjutsu elements and it will be even better
  6. UP Since I'm new on this forum I'm answering to interesting threads I've been practising karate for only 1month 1/2, but I can say that my favourite kata is Naihanchi Shodan (in Shorin style)...Hehe Shaolinprincess I don't know Naihanchi (or Neihanchi) Nidan for it's a superior kata and at the moment I know the katas to Pinan sandan (the equal to Heian Sandan in Shotokan) Anyway, for those who don't know what it looks like, here is the description of the kata: Movement on the right (lateral, this kata is executed on a line) then right fist on the right but with opened hand, palm upward Then right forearm taken back and left forearm sticked to the right one... Then hands taken back to the left (hikite) then right... Then Gedan barai on the left, then kage zuki with the right hand... Movement to the left while holding the kage zuki... Stop, then uchi uke with the same arm... Gedan Barai with the same arm and uchi uke with the other one... fist sticked under the uchi uke (the elbow) uchi uke lowered, then kind of uchi uke but with an ura ken at the end... left leg raised to the right, then the uchi uke with the fist under the elbow taken to the left...then right leg raised to the left, and the uchi uke+fist under the elbow taken to the right... then morote hikite to the left, then to the right... Finally morote yoko zuki (or yoko yama zuki) to the left... Then it's exacly the same thing but mirrored... Wow....difficult to explain and to understand when it's not showed
  7. I was wondering which style all of you were practising... Just in order to see the popularity of this or that style (oh yeah I know Shotokan is the most practised one but anyway ) If you're goign to answer other, precise me your karate style so that I can add it to the poll
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