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Everything posted by RonLauinger

  1. MINDSET IS KEY, mental rehearsal and awareness are also major factors in mindset.. ALSO,,,,, with well over 20 years in Combatives, one of the biggest concerns I see in so-called MA gyms, is the reluctance and outright refusal to acknowledge that 'your stlyle' may have faults. When training,, CROSS TRAIN, visit as many MA gyms that you can,, try to understand the other techniques that are out there, and get profeccient with them. Stay with one particular style no longer than say five years and then move on to another style. When training, make sure you pressure test your techniques agains variable sparring partners,, partners with different skill levels, different heights, different weights, and yes, different sexes. Different body structures respond and react differently and YOU MUST understand the mechanics of each. Also, when training, be profeccient in and our of your comfort space. Most fighters are only good in one area,, take that person out of there 'comfort space' and they fail to perform because they have no clue what to do....................... Just my thoughts...
  2. Just wanted to say hi, from Rochester, NY. I own and operate a business specializing in Close Quarter Combat and Tactical Firearms instruction. WWW.LMIInc.com Train Hard, Be safe,, Ron
  3. Wilsons 870, Wilsons CQB, RR M4 and a Strider HT
  4. I am a combat instructor (non-martial art), and use reality based, full speed, 1/2 to full contact in most sparring and instruction. I am looking for opinions on the Shocknife as it relates to reality based training, and it's effects on the skilled student (skilled students pain thrushold is much higher). Thank you,
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