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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Muay Thai
  • Location
  • Interests
    kayak fishing, swimming,gym,training
  • Occupation

eth93's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I loved it, but im paying for it now. I was meant go again tonight, but I cant even walk properly im that sore. My muscles should get use to it after a while shouldn’t they? I've never been this sore before even after having a heavy lifting session at gym. Ethan
  2. Well as some of you may know I was meant to start muay Thai a couple of months ago, but my mum’s car got written off. I went last Tuesday to check things out, and to see what I need. Looked good, but my mum said the trainer was snobbish/ big ego. Well it was Tuesday again, and I was starting to get worried. My brother didn’t end up coming and neither did my mate, they both said there going to start next week. I got there a little nervous and went and talk to Scotty the trainer, and his completely different. Ended up being a real nice bloke, even my mum was said he sounds like a good guy. Now the training part of 2 hours in sweaty hell. It started at 5:00 so I had to run around the block for a warm up, not your average block (it’s an industrial area, so an easy 2/3km). Got back and had to skip until 6:00, had a little trouble so an older bloke helped me out. Stretched then shadow boxed for a round than did 10 knuckle pushups and repeat twice. Pad work time, because it was my first time I ended up getting paired with a guy who still couldn’t get the foot work right, and ended up just doing the 1,2. I couldn’t seem to get the footwork dam pat, but at the end I was getting it and everything else was right ( elbows and hands). Then at 6:00 we did 50 knuckle pushups to end the night. Overall I loved it, a little sore today but ill be going back again this Thursday. Everyone was real nice and helpful and the trainers were great. Thanks Ethan
  3. Something that’s been playing on my mind about starting Muay Thai, is my hair. Sounds funny but I have had problems before regarding my hair and my training (boxing), where I have been told not to come back unless there gone. I have dreadlocks, there a little past shoulder length. I will be wearing a headband and tying them up, so they won’t get in my face or in the way. Can anyone see a problem with this regarding the training aspects? Thanks Ethan
  4. Im not a fighter, in my 10 years at school I have never had a fight. Every so often ill get an urge to have a fight, so ill take that out in sparing and at the end of it still be good mates. What should I wear, the lady said just wear a shirt, shorts and runners but im thinking maybe a singlet would be better? Thanks fellas.
  5. Well the time has come to man up, and start Muay Thai. Wasn’t going to start until next year, but when I read the local paper and found out that a new Thai boxing gym was opening I couldn't resist. I just have a couple of question, now im not to sure if I’ve posted this thread in the right section but it seems to half fit. Im starting next Tuesday, so that’s 6 days away for anyone not playing in Australia. I’m just wondering if I should be doing something before I start, I was thinking stretches? Sparing, will I be wearing any sort of protection? I know I won’t be doing this for a while, but I would still like to prepare myself for things to come. A bit of a silly question, but does doing a form of MA raise your confidence level? I heard it does because you’re less scared to get into a physical confrontation, this true? I am excited as, got a good mate and my brother joining up. The guys seem really nice, I didn’t talk to them but my mum did and she said that they seem like a good bunch. Thanks Ethan
  6. Hey all, I’m Ethan, 15 years young and live in Australia. I just thought I better say giday before I started asking questions. I’ve done a bit of boxing, but now looking to get into some form of martial arts. Still unsure in what I want to do as there is so many to choice from, I’m sure this forum will help with this problem. Thanks ethan.
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