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Everything posted by BlackDragon777

  1. I practice Shaolin Kung fu, Karate, and Tai kwando. I do not consider boxing a very good martial art. There are many flaws in it. As far as boxers having good technique.... That is 100% false. Boxers wear sparring gloves and when they are in a real fight, don't know how to position their fingers and end up breaking them 70% of the time in a fight. A kata allows you to perfect every technique. I have never taken boxing or kick boxing in my life, however I find these fighters they easiest to beat in a fight because they have to since of kata. They simply throw punches and kicks every 5 seconds which is easy for myself to manuever around because the katas have taught me speed, balance, body positioning, blocks , CORRECT PUNCHES AND KICKS, and much more. Most importantly they have taught me to concentrate so I am not merely throwing punches and kicks. Boxing is a fun sport but I would in no way say it is better than Asian martial arts.... it is far more inferior.
  2. Actually, from what I know, A man from India who was a master in Yoga came to the shaolin temple and taught the Monks Yoga and the principles of breathing techniques and from there the Monks built upon that. =) GOD Bless you Always my Friends!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I am just curious to see what you guys think. In the Kung fu I practice, my teacher as I said combines Karate with Kung fu and we don't learnmany "fancy" moves. We learn moves to take down the opponent very fast and easy. This is the way I like. For example, You have a big strong guy. #1, with front leg, kick to the groin, strike the eyes out with five fingers, punch to the groin and come up with a punch. This should eliminate the opponent, at least long enouph for you to get away. There is nothing fancy about the moves. He says as long as you learn trhough Karate and Kung fu how to defend yourself, fancy moves aren't important. He does however teach us some fancy moves, but self defense moves come first. I love his philosiphy. These attacks are VERY easy and VERY fast. I am not interested in fancy moves, rather skills to eliminate an opponent. My shihan use to teach Us Special Forces, and now trains all the police officers in my city. His moves and forms are made to easily and quickly take out the opponent which as I said I really enjoy. What do you guys think? Do you perfer "fancy" moves or are you the martial artist who just cares to learn how to take out an opponent quickly or both? For myself, I enjoy both but I mostly enjoy learn quick and easy moves to take out an opponent. Thanks!!!! GOD Bless you Always my Friends!!!!
  4. Wow! So many friendly people! I am so happy to meet all of you! Lets talk sometime. I don't know exactly where I fit in on these forums because I train in a mixture of hdk,tdk,Ninjitsu,Kungfu,karate,tai-chi,weapons, etc. The main styles I train in are Shaolin Kung fu, Karate, Korean styles, tai-chi, and weapons. My shihan says that he has learned that it is easier to build the chi power within Americans by combining Kung fu with Karate to gain an qual balance on the yin and yang. I agree with his method because before coming to this school, I still felt very weak in plain karate styles. After seven years of Shaolin Kung fu and Karate mixed together I feel my chi power as well as my strength rising everyday. My reaction time has gotten better and better to. I am so blessed to have a real live shaolin munk as my teacher. What about you guys. What are your philosiphies? Thanks! GOD Bless you Always my Friends!!!!!!!
  5. Hello everyone! My name is Brandon Fogerty. I am new to this forum. I just wanted to introduce myself and make some new martial art friends so we can share ideas. My teacher is called "shihan" He was a shaolin munk in China for many years. He has studied and practiced Southern and Nothern Kung Fu, and Japanese and Korean styles along with taichi. He says it is best to mix Karate with the Kung fu to build my yin and yang correctly. I have trained under him for seven years now. I feel better everyday! Please reply! I would like to meet you!
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