I'm going to my first official Wing Chun class this week, I did my first on Wednesday, but it was a free trial and drill night. I had a blast and signed up. My question is, is there anything helpful for me to know going in? I am just starting to read on Wing chun on these forums. I know little about the art itself, but I really wanted Kung Fu, and this was the only gig in town. Luckily he has an excellent reputation according to my frined who is an instructor at a different Karate School. Anyways, I have a question about sash pregression. I understand in Kung Fu, traditionally there is no sash progression at all. At my school there is, but it is very slow and spaced apart. I was told there is testing only once a year, and talked to few blue sashes there who were training for 8 years. This kind makes me feel at ease about the place, as I know he's not going to be soaking me testing fees every few months. My question is though, is it normal for progression to be spaced apart like that when you do use belts in Kung Fu? Heres a link to the school website if anyone want to check it out and give me an opinion. Keep in mind the school is 10 this year, but the site was just launched last week, and is still heavily under construction. There is some info to pick through though, thanks for the help! https://www.allmasterskungfu.com