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  • Location
    Sudbury, ON Canada
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Melonbob's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Thanks for all the great responses. Like I said, I have nothing against the Wing Chun school, in fact, if it was only myself I was looking for, I probably would have stayed with it as it was intense and very challenging. However, this place looks like something both myself and my family can enjoy together. Anyways, figured I'd give you all a link so you can check it out! https://www.ssomacanada.ca
  2. If any of you read my posts earlier, I had gone to a trial class at a local Wing Chun school and was pretty much set on signing up. However I had one last school to go to, a Goju Ryu dojo a coworker is a sensai at. Although I loved the physical challenge of the Wing Chun(Their class is very intense and I would have shaped up very quickly), I was sold on the Goju-Ryu as soon as the class was over. They went over everything from start to finish. I had a sensai to myself for the class, seeing as I was a newb. Finally, they were alot more "family friendly" The main reason I joined was to hopefully get my son involved once he's old enough, and I noticed there were alot of families involved as a group. Now I'm not trying to take away from the Kung fu class I was at either, but I definately got the feel that this was more of an adults only group. Anyways, I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's experiences with Goju Ryu!
  3. Remember, most schools nowdays are very newbie friendly. I would go with whatever style appeals to you the most. Go to all three schools and ask for a trial class. When you find the right place, you will know by the end of the class. I did a trial class last week, I'm 35 and very out of shape (35lbs overweight, but only 5'2"). Needless to say, just getting through the warmup was nasty, I thought I was gonna hurl. I'm very competitive and come from a sporting background so there was no was I was giving in though. Sifu reminded me a few times this was my first class. My point is, they are going to push you and get you in shape, but at the same time they realize you need to enjoy yourself. Ask alot of questions. Enjoy!
  4. I'm going to my first official Wing Chun class this week, I did my first on Wednesday, but it was a free trial and drill night. I had a blast and signed up. My question is, is there anything helpful for me to know going in? I am just starting to read on Wing chun on these forums. I know little about the art itself, but I really wanted Kung Fu, and this was the only gig in town. Luckily he has an excellent reputation according to my frined who is an instructor at a different Karate School. Anyways, I have a question about sash pregression. I understand in Kung Fu, traditionally there is no sash progression at all. At my school there is, but it is very slow and spaced apart. I was told there is testing only once a year, and talked to few blue sashes there who were training for 8 years. This kind makes me feel at ease about the place, as I know he's not going to be soaking me testing fees every few months. My question is though, is it normal for progression to be spaced apart like that when you do use belts in Kung Fu? Heres a link to the school website if anyone want to check it out and give me an opinion. Keep in mind the school is 10 this year, but the site was just launched last week, and is still heavily under construction. There is some info to pick through though, thanks for the help! https://www.allmasterskungfu.com
  5. Hello from Canada! My name is Bob, and at 35, I am brand new to the art. I just had my first Wing Chun class last night, and I had a blast despite wanting to die on several occasions! (Thats just the fat guy in me talking) Looking forward to learning a whole lot more!
  6. Well, I really searched this one out good. At the point when I first posted I had already checked out local schools for about a month. In a city of 100000 I was surprised how many places there were. Well last night I was invited to try a class at a local place and found my new home. It's the city's only school of Kung Fu, and I hurt everywhere! I really enjoyed myself, and felt comfortable even though I was completely sure I was going to die.(I'm 35 and not in the best shape of my life by far). Anyways, I told them I'm in and will be officially starting Wing Chun next week! Thanks for the welcome everyone!
  7. I'm a complete newbie from Sudbury Ontario Canada, just itching to get started. I'm checking out all the local schools, and trying to find one that fits my needs and my personal schedule. If any of you are from Sudbury, or know anything about schools in the area, I'd love to hear from you, thanks!
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