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  • Martial Art(s)
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    Martial arts, fitness, motocross
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WheatCrunchie's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I mentioned it to sensei in the end who assured me that the problem was only an issue because the sempei is new to teaching and quite nervous. Its not going to be an issue for the next two weeks anyway as he is going away on holiday so we'll be back with Sensei and I'll soon be taking my orange belt anyway so will be out of the "beginners" section soon enough. On the other hand, I really like Sempei and hope he manages to over-come his nerves; I'd like to see him do well.
  2. I always think of black belt as meaning "conquered the basics" but I could be wrong.
  3. I'm becomming a little disilusioned with my classes. Our sensei has began splitting up the class, low grades go with a 1st dan and sensei teaches the higher grades. Thing is the classes have just not been the same since, us lower grades (yellow and below) get hardly anything done as the sempei talks so much. During line work he stops us after each move and anyone that didn't do it perfect he goes over and corrects them but he spends ages doing so. For instance he'll explain to them how its supposed to be, then explain how they did it, then demonstrate how its supposed to be done, then tries to demonstrate how they did it, then explains why its supposed to be the other way, then demonstrates why its wrong to do it the other way etc etc etc and by the time he's finished, the rest of us have been stood in the same position (like a head block stance) for upto 10 minutes. The younger ones begin getting restless so he then gives them pushups for being out of stance or for looking in the wrong direction so we then have to wait for them to finish before we carry on so basically....each ONE move takes around 5 minutes. On Monday we didn't even get to finish our basics as it took us an hour just to go through four moves in line work. We never got to do our combinations or anything. When we were being taught by sensei we would spend around an hour going through our own basics, combinations, then a few extra basics etc and we would get so much done and the kids hardly ever got bored or restless. The tediousness of these changes are really starting to affect my motivation, I just don't see the point in going just to more or less stand there in a stationary position for an hour. I don't want to quit but I'm not the only one finding the changes hard, should i be more patient or mention my concerns to Sensei?
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