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  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    York, Yorkshire UK
  • Interests
    karate, shotokan, sailing,
  • Occupation
    Coach, inspector
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ialwaysgethit's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)

  1. Go to https://www.busa.org.uk dgo to the domextic sports Karate. then there is a like some where in there. good luck, I was looking at it but you have to be a full time student and I am only part time
  2. wicked thats cool not sure were we are staying yet. some one said we may be staying in a casino!!!!!! possible where the competition is, I dont think we find out until about 14 day before, or I could be wrong!! well food sounds a good price then, but I dont think I will be drinking much over there. lol
  3. thank you the katas I am doing are kankusho, unsu, gankaku, gojushio sho, soshin, jion, kankudai and nijushio thank you
  4. that would be wicked, I am doing the hard styles kata male bb belt section, andi think my mate jason and lee would liek that 2, as i think we register on the saturday and we compete on the wednesday, and that is a really long wait. a local there would be good the furthest away i have been from home is paris, for 3 days, and i was frightened of getting lost. food wise i do like japaneze, normal food (paster, chips, burgers, pies) also healthy foods, it is just so i can get a rough price on how much money to bring as our hotel does not do breakfast!!!!!!!!!, i was gutted to hear they did not do breakfast. well i have to get the money to get over there first, hopefully see you over there, oli
  5. WOW thank you every one so many great tips, i do try them all. so thank you every one, any more advise or tips or which are the best katas would be greatly accepted. thank you please
  6. wicked well done for having a go, and also well done to the people who qualified, do you know where the competition is at all and any good, nights out around it. Also what are the prices of food, drink, beer, etc etc over there
  7. yes i also use video, of many people, from competitions, to masters, to club and association collegues. Books are good for direction, and also the spelling and what moves are, helpful for when you teach it lol..
  8. well done you do have guts. it is hard enough walking through the door of the dojo to start but even harder performing infront of all those people, as not many do. the nerves before a competition are horrible, especially if it is your first, so well done for having a go, it will not be as bad next time
  9. The Jka and WKf provide some good books and also the one you mentioned is a good book, but all i would say dont try to learn from them, use them as a reference as my expeiance from people learning from books, they only give the finished product and not how to get there, good luck
  10. Yeah I have heard of people keying, sanding, wire wooling their belts, it is total disrepecful, and should they be really wearing it, if they do that. I put mine down one and some one picked it up and started skipping with it I flipped my lid. My dad left his at the hall one (hes old and fogetful mind) and the play school who used the hall during the day cut it in two, CUT IT IN TWO, for teh children to place fire men, he had been wearing the belt for 20 odd year, he was deverstated, they said they would by him a new one. Yeah £4.50 from the local spoerts shop, sorry for the rant. Yeah i agree with you all its not on. Oli
  11. I agree, it is a compliment, just treat them as normal, you never know, he might tell his friends and they might all come down too. As long as it go no further you will have no problems at all, it is worse when you fancy some one you are teaching!!
  12. I was mine in the machine at about 4o degrees, and hand it to dry, strech it whilst its wet, as all my newer gi's appear to shrink!!
  13. wow thanks for all the support some one asked which katas, well here i go Unso Kankusho Gan ka Ku Jion Kan Ku Dai Nijushio Sochin Empi Go jushio Dai Bassai Dai Jitte Jiin And some one else mentioned a book, any ideas where i could get that from. thank u every one
  14. hi there thank very much, that means alot to me. You should enter japanese as well, you never know who will or wont turn up, or make a mistake. i am trying to beat jason, in the process of trying to train at the moment, but to much work to do. Yeah c u on the curcuit all the best
  15. Hi every body, I hope you can help. WE train in a scout hut, so we do not have the pleasure of training on matts. We train on a softwood floor, which the "varnish" and "stain" and everything else that has been put on it has been rubbed of due the sand which the play school during the day uses. We have offered to send the floor down and re coat it, but the problem is with what. as it needs to do the following. Fill gaps None slippy Nice under foot, barefoot Hard wearing for foot, and table and chair traffic Non toxic, due to children Not much fumes or tixic when applied Stop the wood from splinttering Possible addaption to some glues to stick bits of floor down. I know this is a long list, but can any body help, any products and where to get them from and how much. I know matts would be a great apption but we dont have 3 or 4k to spend on them and any way there is no where to store them. Please please will some one "jim will fix it for me" ta muchly Oli
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