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Its been a bad week


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Sorry I know this may not be a very pointful or engaging post for many of you, but I feel like letting out some of my emotions. Really this is just a rant.


I have had a terrible week. I wake up on Monday, get dressed, do my hair, come downstairs ... and my mum tells me that my dear cat Rosie has passed away. This was really upsetting. I said my goodbyes to my poor cat and left for school.


Now, yesterday (Tuesday) my girlfriend who lives away atm tells me that someone that goes to her school was involved in a serious ski-ing accident on Monday night and that she just found out. She was really upset, and I was kind of upset, but kind of OK. But now today I was in PE when it finally sunk in that some poor innocent 10 year old girl had died. Its absoloutely terrible, she didn't even have a chance to live her life. I had to go home early because I was so upset and couldn't concentrate on my work.


I really don't know what to make of this all. I can understand my cat's passing away; she was old and had lived her life, but this poor girl! Its so unfair how someone so young and innocent, someone who still had things to do, places to go and people to meet, could tragically die in such a terrible and cruel way. I'm not expecting your sympathy, I just feel so sorry for the family of that young girl and I felt like I had to write something about it.


Thanks for letting me rant.


Take care, have peace, and live your life as much as you can.




Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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Sorry Jack.


Sometimes it does seem like too many bad things happen at once.


People who have never had a strong bond with a feline companion will never understand the warm place they make in our hearts. Or the big hole they leave behind. When I lost my Audriel somehow I wound up with a new kitten the very same night. And, you know it helped a lot. The kitten needed so much from me. Give it a though or go to a shelter and take in a rescue.


I lost my best friend last summer to brain cancer. We knew it was coming. But it was still very hard when it finally happened. My friend was with me at the vets the night I lost Audriel.


Death can seem so senseless.





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well sorry for your cat hope you get on with it from all the deaths that have been there hope it's better next week :smile:



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Its better to rant than to keep stuff bottled up, trust me i know! and just 4 ur interest im like no1 cat lover so i was sorry to hear of your loss, its been nearly a year since mine died, although it was in an accident. Now we have adopted 4! I still miss her but trust me it will get better in time. And as for that poor girl well what can i say, she didnt deserve it. I am very lucky , i have never lost anyone close due to an accident, but send your girlfriend my condolences.
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Thanks everybody for your understanding and caring replies. I cant express my thanks enough to all of you, you are all great caring people... thanks:)


Sai and Joanne, I'm so sorry to hear of your losses :sad:. Someone I know online has a mate with a brain tumour that could pass away any day now, its so sad to think about how people can die if they have not lived their life. I can deal with my cat leaving, she was old enough, but its when people still have not got out and seen the world and done everything they want to and still go, thats what I find saddest.


I wish you all the best with all the new kittens :smile: and we are looking into getting another.


Thanks again :smile:


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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Jack my kitten is now a 13 pound 5 year old. She still thinks she is a kitten ane I still treat her like one. I still miss my Audriel. The hole does lessen with time though.


As sad as it is when an adult who has done a few things in life it is so much harder when a child dies. It the girl enjoyed skiing though maybe going doing something she loved will help.



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And I thought the death this week had stopped...


I was woken up this morning by my mum to be told that my grandad had passed away.


Does this sadness ever cease?


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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