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Computer Help & Tips


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Well since we all have a computer ...(duh!)....


I thought I would begin this thread for those members that may have come across a really good utility or software (mainly shareware) ...


Or to to ask a computer-based question or to share any good tips you come across.


I HATE those annoying pop-ups and I just love this new utility (popup Ad Filter)....


Works GREAT!



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This is my area.....Im going to be learning more computer stuff from college and I work for an ISP. So if you want ask a question and I will help the best I can.


Windows 2000 is better than XP (in my opinion dont get rattled anyone who likes XP) XP has a lot of bugs that should not be there.


If you have XP and your shortcuts on your desktop dont work then delete the one on there and find the spot where you can create a new one. This happens most often with a dailer. If you dialer shortcut doesnt work then you have to go and delete the dialer and then recreate it. This is because XP is created for LAN and Broadband. Dial Up does not work near as well on an XP system. (every once in awhile you will get a XP system that will work great with dial up....more often not however.) Also XP works better on some brands of computers than others. E machines is the worst one to use XP on. Dell is the best (most the time have came across some that the TCP/IP stack would not reset and with XP there is no way to reset them without going into a big hassle.)


XP can be a good system for gaming if you can run the game on the system. Only way to know for sure if a game is going to run on XP is if it says it on the box. All the rest you are running a chance of it not working. Also with XP a lot of external things will not work without going and getting the drivers off of the internet. (printers, scanners, ect.) The printers with most problems seem to be HP. (unless the computer is a HP).


If you have XP and you cant get webpages with dialup it might be because of the firewall that is on XP. With dialup you dont really need the firewall on. So turn it off if you have dialup. Also if you have dialup disable your network ports...(LAN, and 1350).


The majority of XP systems also come with a V.92 modem in them. I know this because it was a hassle at the beginning of the year. A lot of ISPs are still not v.92 compatible. (We are now) V.92 modems have a lot more problems in themselves. (again you may get one that will work great.)


Okay thats all for now. :brow:

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One pop up is not annoying,


what really angers me are those where each time you close a window three new ones appear and you are flooded with them and have to abort to get out.


Or those sites that automatically install programs you do not want, and some have virus too.



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Yes, I would have to say if anyone would have any tips for making the machine last longer.


With my last one I would just turn it off without closing programs,


very often then one day it just started giving weird beeps and wouldnt restart.


So I bought a new one,(Windows xp pro this one I will treat better



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Some tips to keep your computer going is to do basic maintance. One thing is to defragment at least every 6 months. Also run a thourough scan disk at least once a year. (I recommend scan disk after installing items also) Delete your temp internet files once a month (at least, I delete mine every week). Keep your recycle bin emptied.


Other things are to if something freezes up use the ctrl+alt+del. That way you can end task. Ending the task is much better to do first if something frezzes. Keep the dust off it as much as possible and dont let it heat up to much on a hot day. Try to keep any static electricity away from it. There are some general maintance suggestions.

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Other things are to if something freezes up use the ctrl+alt+del. That way you can end task. Ending the task is much better to do first if something frezzes.


Also you can press ctrl+alt+del, ctrl+alt+del- to restart your computer If it freezes and you can't do it BlueDragon's way.


Or if you visited a site and forgot the website address you could go to the Tools icon on top of your internet screen ( Internet explorer only I think ) click on Internet Options and click on Settings then View files ( it might take sometime to find it though :D )

when you do your best it`s going to show.

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Or if you visited a site and forgot the website address you could go to the Tools icon on top of your internet screen ( Internet explorer only I think ) click on Internet Options and click on Settings then View files ( it might take sometime to find it though )


Cool I never knew that thanks kicker :D

Goju Ryu Karate-do and Okinawan Kobudo, 17 Years Old 1st kyu Brown Belt in in Goju Ryu Karate-do, & Shodan in Okinawan Kobudo

Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result.


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Keeping your power supply area clean (the back were the little fan is.) Is important. Keeping dust off the computer will help keep static electricity down. Static electricity (although this is rare) can make some components on the computer not work. Keeping the dust and even hair out of your tower is a very good thing.


AOL and Yahoo messagers sometimes conflict with each other when they are running at the same time. My advice is to keep only one chat program on a desktop at one time.


The processor speed is not the speed of your computer. It helps but it is not the speed. The RAM and Bus Speed have a lot to do with how fast your computer runs. A computer with 256 Mg Ram and 500 mgz would run faster than one that is 128 Mg Ram and 700 mgz.



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